Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday, March 4th

ELA - We read Secrets of the Lotz Ghetto and students analyzed all they've learned about the Holocaust to write a reflection with one of this unit's IB inquiry lenses.  Students used the lens of "responsibility" to reflect on who was responsible for stopping Hitler and to think about why some people didn't try to stop him earlier.  

Math - A small group worked with Ms. Washington on discussing area and volume and the remaining group worked on a group inquiry activity with me.  After a short introduction to the difference between area and volume students were given supplies to create paper objects with different areas and volumes.  Tomorrow we will finish discussing the products the group made and how those tangible products can give us an understanding of the similarities and differences between area and volume.

Social Studies - We reviewed last week's homework about the contributions of women and African Americans in WWII.  We had an interesting discussion about the "Rosie the Riviter" image.  Students understood that propaganda was aimed at women to encourage them to work and support the war effort.  However, I informed them that the culture of America at the time was that women did not work outside of the home and that thought was hard to grasp until I explained it in detail.  Additionally, when I informed them that women at that time would have had to ask their husbands for permission to work many of them stared at me with disgusted disbelief.  For the rest of the week Mrs. Welchel will be teaching some of the remaining WWII lessons.

Science Project - Students should be working on their science projects at home.  Due to the writing and Spanish tests being this week, students will not have as much class time to complete the projects.  Projects are due on Friday.

Tybee Update
Snack Donations -- I have small bags for the students and I could use snack and time donations from parents.  We need the snacks for the bus trip there and back and we need parents to come in and stuff the bags (it's much easier to give each student their own bag than to distribute items to individual students on the bus).  Good times would be either Wednesday or Thursday right after school until 4:00pm.  The times are negotiable if those times don't work and I'm fine with the bag stuffing taking place during the day.  As long as the bags are done by Friday before the end of the work day we should be okay.  Thanks!

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