Tuesday, April 30, 2013


We took the final CRCT test.... YAY!  And students who needed to do makeups are also finished so we're all done.  After the CRCT students worked on their Exhibition research and I met with students individually to discuss their personal projects.  After recess and lunch we identified some of the major events and legislation of the Civil Rights Movement.  Students worked with others at their table to gather information and we will finish sharing the notes tomorrow.  The 1950s-1975 Social Studies assessment will be next Wednesday.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Students took the Science CRCT today and many reported that it was easier than they expected.  A special thanks to Ms. Karably for the timely and on target review on Friday.  After the Science CRCT I facilitated a Social Studies CRCT review.  Student's homework tonight is to review their notes from today.

Secret Questions 
(you must discreetly answer all of them)
What amendment guarantees our protection from illegal search and seizure?

Where are the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, and the Great Lakes located? (Tell me the region and/or what states they're in.)

Which two of the following events/people/places are not involved in the Cold War:  Vietnam War, Korean War, Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Joseph McCarthy, Cuban Missile Crisis, USSR, Berlin Wall, D-Day, Nikita Kruschev.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Students did a good job this week on the CRCT test.  We have the last two parts, Science and Math, next week.  Ms. Karably did an awesome Science review and this weekend's homework includes a Social Studies review that we'll go over on Monday.  We will continue to work on the Exhibition projects in class and students received their individual project guidelines today so they can start working on those this weekend.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We took the ELA CRCT test today.  Thank you so much for the generous donations of mints, candies, and snacks.  After CRCT testing students had a short break and I conducted a math review.  We discussed algebra, fraction multiplication/division (using the algorithim and modeling), and decimal multiplication/division (using the algorithim and modeling).  I will conduct my final Math review tomorrow after the ELA CRCT test.  We concluded the day with a late lunch and Exhibition work.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Upcoming Dates and Requests

CRCT Schedule


CRCT Snack
Our lunch has been moved to 1:00pm on the days we have CRCT testing.  A parent has already sent in a snack for Tuesday; however, that leaves four more days.  Since our lunch will be over 3 hours after our usual time students will definitely need a snack.  We could use class snack donations (enough for 29 students).  Also, feel free to send in an individual snack for your child.  

Additionally, some students asked if they could bring in peppermints or Jolly Ranchers.  Although I don't particularly enjoy picking up wrappers and silencing smackers I'm okay with it if students want to bring enough to share and promise to not distract others.

Upcoming Dates (specific times will be posted as I receive them)
Friday, April 26 --- Movie Night @ F.AVE
Saturday, May 4 --- Variety Show
Tuesday, May 7 --- Renfroe Field Trip (9:00am-10:30am)
Friday, May 10 --- Secret Service Day
Wednesday, May 15 --- MLK Field Trip (8:00am-12:30pm)
Friday, May 17 --- Field Day (we will need bottled water & snack donations for this day)
Wednesday, May 22 --- Exhibition

Parent Volunteer Opportunities
*2-3 parent chaperones for the Renfroe & MLK field trips.
*End of the year classroom party planners 
*Classroom Exhibition help (assist kids w/ their research, ask guiding questions, provide feedback, etc...  I will post our Exhibition work schedule after CRCT is completed)

Secret Question:  If a parent is going to buy 3 Jolly Ranchers for all 29 students in Ms. Black's class, and the Jolly Ranchers cost 6 cents each, how much will that parent pay total? (Remember to be discreet and have your work to show Ms. Black in the morning before 7:50am)


The Reading CRCT is tomorrow.  Please make sure your child gets a good night sleep and has a healthy breakfast.

ELA - We read another chapter in Son and continued our CRCT review.  Students also continued their research for their Exhibition projects.

Math - We continued our Math CRCT review.

Friday, April 19, 2013

#27 & #26

ELA - We reviewed parts of speech and different types of sentences.  We also continued to read Son and students began working on their Exhibition projects.

Math - We continued to review for the Math CRCT and we concluded the week by completing area and algebraic problems.  Next week we'll finish up our review with mathematical process (logic) problems.

Science - Ms. Karably brought the new microscopes for us to use.  We unpacked the brand new equipment, viewed our large slide collection, and wrote thank you notes to the Decatur Education Foundation for providing the grant money to purchase the microscopes.  Thanks to Ms. Karably for selecting us to be the ONE class who got to use the brand new microscopes!

The rest of the year is going to fly by.  As soon as I'm done with grades (I'm hoping by Sunday afternoon) I'm going to post a schedule update that will include the ceremony, field trip, and project due dates for the rest of the year.  Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


ELA - I read another chapter from Son and we continued our CRCT review.  Mrs. Washington worked with a small group and I also worked with a small group on root words and vocabulary.

Math - Students continued to work on their CRCT review packet.  Mrs. Washington worked with a small group, I assisted students as needed, and students who finished worked on Compass.

Social Studies -We watched the Civil Rights and Brown vs. Board of Education BrainPop videos, and students took notes during the films and our discussion.  We were able to add the information we learned from the videos to the Lyndon Johnson Civil Rights video we watched on Monday.  Students were quite fascinated by that era's racial upheavals and their connections to current equal rights struggles.  If you have any personal stories about the Civil Rights Movement, please share them with your children.  Some students today already shared that their grandparents and even their parents attended segregated schools. 

Cultural Arts Assembly

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16th

ELA - We reviewed the ELA CRCT homework and began reading Son

Math - We continued our review of converting, multiplying, and dividing fractions, percents, and decimals.

Social Studies - We concluded the LBJ Civil Rights video and students worked with their table groups to complete their notes on the Cold War. For extra information students can visit the Office of the Historian and JFK Presidential Library sites on the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis.  AND... they can answer today's secret bonus question...

Name the leaders of USSR, USA and Cuba during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.  And, describe what the relations are between the US and Cuba today.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15th

ELA - This week we will be reviewing for the CRCT.  Some of the questions on the test are related to concepts I taught several terms ago so I want to make sure students refresh their memories.  Today we covered topics, main ideas and supporting details.  The questions we didn't finish in class are homework.

Math - We are also reviewing math for the CRCT and today we discussed fractions, decimals, and percents.  Students have a packet of work that we will be working on all week and we practiced decimal/fraction/percent conversion.

Social Studies - We watched a short video on Lyndon B. Johnson and discussed his role in the Civil Rights Movement.  

We can often see the Fibonacci Sequence expressed in nature.  If you want to know more about it, watch the Fibonacci Sequence BrainPop video.
Secret Question:  What Fibonacci Sequence number is expressed in the flower below?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Spring Break!

I hope everyone is having a restful spring break!

Ms. Newton came to talk about the Exhibition projects.  Students brainstormed topics under specific parameters, I narrowed down the topics, and students will have one more vote before the final Exhibition projects are determined.  Please let me know if you are able to spend some time with our class during the research/work phases of Exhibition.

Students worked really hard on Thursday and Friday to finish their projects and narratives.  Next term students will review their grades over the entire year and design their own projects to improve any grade that was a 1 or 2.  A small group of students who earned 3s and 4s in every standard will either get to choose a 5th grade or 6th grade standard to explore in-depth for a self-designed project.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 3rd

ELA - We finished and discussed Messenger.  We spent some time discussing the theme of fear and the role it played in all three books.  Next term students are going to complete a project that ties together their understanding of all three books and I'm going to read the 4th book, Son, aloud at the end of each day.  Following our discussion students began writing their Memoirs.  Many completed their rough drafts in class and they were advised to work on them at home. The final drafts are due on Friday.

Math - Students from yesterday's extension group worked on compass and students who needed extra help with this term's content worked in a small group with me.  The math assessment is tomorrow.

MAP testing is complete and the score reports will go home with the report cards next term.  Overall, most students did well.  

Supply Announcement
I had a plentiful paper supply and we recently discovered that we no longer had any more lined paper. Either we somehow used all of the paper or someone took the packs of paper from the two different storage locations in class.  

Regardless of how or why the paper disappeared, we need more paper.  If parents could send in a few packs (college rule or wide rule is fine), we would be greatly appreciative.

Thank You.

Secret/Reward Question:  How many boxes with a volume of 6 cubic feet will fit in a room that is 10 feet long, 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday, April 2nd

ELA - We read/discussed the Messenger and we will finish the book tomorrow.

Math - Students who scored 240 or higher on the Math MAP and who have a firm grasp on this term's content were given an extension activity.  Mrs. Washington and I split the remainder of the class into two groups and conducted reviews of the content.  The math assessment is on Thursday.  Students (except for the extension group) have a review packet to complete as homework and we'll go over it tomorrow.

Social Studies - Students watched and took notes on a video of McCarthyism.  Then they worked on their Cold War study guides.  The Cold War assessment is on Thursday.

Term 5 Assessment Schedule
Cold War Assessment - Thursday, April 4th (in class)
Math Assessment - Thursday, April 4th (in class)
UOI Social Studies Narrative - Friday, April 5th (in class)
Memoir- Due Friday, April 5th

    _____     _____     ______
I have observed that several of students are "dating" other 5th grade students and others have been distracted because they are too busy gossiping, flirting and being absorbed with social entanglements.  

While I understand that this is a part of growing up, I personally feel that they are all too young for this - especially when it occurs during my instruction time.  Since they are not my personal offspring I can't do anything besides lovingly discourage what I see as age-inappropriate behavior.  However, I can provide some information to parents if they need some evidence that "dating" at this age should not be allowed.  

 _____     _____     ______

Secret Question:  Ms. Black says she has 5 boxes that each have a volume of 80 cubic meters.  Is she lying?  Justify your answer.

Exhibition Mentor Opportunity

Volunteer to Be a Mentor For Fifth Graders
In the final year of the IB Primary Years Programme, students participate in a culminating project known as the Exhibition. Students are required to engage in a collaborative, inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues. Through this inquiry, they will also manage their time, research, proactively work with mentors, take appropriate actions, communicate their findings, assess their tasks and CELEBRATE their learning.  Students share their learning during the day as a part of the fifth grade moving on celebration that we call the F.AVE Finale.

We need you to help us accomplish this by volunteering in a fifth grade class for a minimum of one day a week for 45 mins. or an hour over the next 5 weeks.

The mentor should:  
  • Meet regularly with the appointed group of students.
  • Offer advice on locating resources and using them efficiently.
  • Ask questions.
  • Help interpret sophisticated/difficult information.
  • Facilitate interviews, telephone calls, any electronic communication.
  • Provide goal setting and time management advice.
  • Be supportive and encouraging.
  • Celebrate achievements and successes with the students.
  • Attend mentor training Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 5:30-6:15 pm or Wednesday, April 17th from 5:30-6:15 pm
The mentor should not:
  • Do the work for students.
  • Tell the students the direction to take, but instead ask probing questions to help facilitate their inquiry.
If you are a fifth grade parent and are interested in being a mentor, please RSVP for mentor training by emailing Karen Newton, IB Coordinator at knewton@csdecatur.net.

iPad Information

Permission Forms
The permission forms are due by Friday, April 5th. Students who do not submit a form will not be allowed to use the iPads. If you lose a form you can print another one at the F.AVE iPad website.

We are asking families to provide a set of headphones or earbuds for their student's use. Inexpensive headphones/earbuds may be purchased online or at the Dollar Store. They will remain at school, and will serve as a hygenic way for students to hear sound on the devices.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday, April 1st

ELA - We continued to read Messenger and discuss the literary elements.  We concluded ELA by discussing setting and starting our Memoir drafts.

Math - During math Mrs. Washington and I team-taught a lesson.  We reviewed the homework, discussed how to calculate volume, and started our review for the assessment on Thursday.

Social Studies - Students analyzed direct quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels' Communist Manifesto and matched each quotes up with their "everyday language" interpretations.  I was very pleased that half of the class was able to complete this task with minimal assistance since this was advanced level work.  Students then took those interpretations and their notes about the Cold War to create word maps and write down the positives and negatives about communist and capitalist societies.  The last part of the activity, which we will finish tomorrow, will include a discussion about the reality of what has happened in communist countries.