Thursday, November 20, 2014

End of the Week Update

Today students checked their vocabulary homework and we read another chapter in Gathering Blue.  Then we worked on finding evidence and summarizing texts.  Students read two documents; one was specifically about Asian immigrants and the other was a general overview of immigration at the turn of the last century.  

Since students previously watched a video about the treatment of many Asian immigrants, I felt that it was important to understand why people would be motivated to move to a place where they would endure prejudice and discriminatory laws.  Based on yesterday's snapshot formative assessment, I divided students into groups and Ms. Ehmer and I each worked with a small group while students who met the standard worked individually.

Homework:  Students should study their vocabulary and read over their immigration notes/worksheets.  Students should have the following with them to study:  SS notebook, Asian Immigrants/Immigrants Flock to America worksheet and the Immigration handout. 
Tomorrow, students should be able to use their notes to answer the following question:
What were the similarities and differences for immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island and Angel Island?

We've had an eventful week at F.AVE and I hope everyone has a wonderful break!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, Novembert 19th

Today students learned more about immigrants who came to the United States at the turn of the last century.  Tomorrow they will read additional sources and prepare for their quiz on Friday.  

Literary Cafe begins at 6:00pm tonight in the multi-purpose room.  I'll see you soon!

Lastly, tomorrow's Thanksgiving luncheon begins at 12:20pm.

The Georgia Power visit was today.  Students had a blast!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18th

Students worked on understanding the why people moved to the United States at the turn of the last century.  They looked through the text they read yesterday to find examples of people moving to escape and to find opportunities.  Then they shared their answers with another group and then wrote an opinion paragraph using their notes.  

We continued reading Gathering Blue and students practiced their Literary Cafe poems/stories today.

I wrote the following things on the board today for students to put in their agendas.  I will try to do this early each week so students can get in the habit of managing their time.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17th

This week's social studies focus has shifted to immigration.  Specifically, students will learn about various groups of people and what their motivations were for coming to the United States.  Additionally, students will explore what life was like for immigrants.  Today they worked with a partner and read a text titled "Immigrants Speak." While they read with their partners, they identified facts, wrote down opinions, and made connections to this term's central idea.  

We also discussed this week's vocabulary words and we read Gathering Blue.

Homework:  Vocabulary, read for 30 minutes each night & practice for Literary Cafe

Edmodo:  I've finally been able to set up our Edmodo class and students should join using the following code: 8ab3kd

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14th

We had another productive day today.  Students learned more about how to write effective arguments and practiced writing their own persuasive paragraphs.  Students then conducted peer reviews and made one or more changes to their drafts.  For social studies, students choose one of the prompts to answer and then worked on their 3D maps when they were done.  We also read Gathering Blue.  I'm very pleased that students are becoming increasingly skilled in making evidence-based inferences.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13th

Today students learned about the Wounded Knee Massacre.  They took notes about the cause and effect of that conflict and they watched a short video about Sitting Bull.  Students then gathered their notes and work from this week to study tonight.  Tomorrow, students will be expected to use their notes to help them answer ONE of the following questions:
1.Compare and contrast the Battle of Little Bighorn and the Massacre at Wounded Knee.  What are the similarities and differences of each of these conflicts?  

2.What were the main causes leading up to the Trail of Tears?  What happened as a result of the Trail of Tears?  
We also discussed opinion writing today.  I taught them about the acronym of RAFTS and tomorrow they will have practice with writing effective opinions.  We concluded our day with reading Gathering Blue and discussing various literary elements.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12th

Today we talked about mood, tone, and theme within stories and poems.  Students took some notes on the definition of each term and then practiced determining the mood, tone, and theme within short passages and books that we've read together.  Then I read one of my favorite poems, The Bagpipe Who Didn't Say No, to the students and they worked with partners to determine its mood, tone and theme.  We also discussed good public speaking practices for literary cafe.  Some students missed part of the lesson so they can click on the turtle picture below to access the Prezi presentation.
During social studies students watched three short videos on DiscoveryEd about the Battle of Little Bighorn.  Students created a Venn diagram with the perspectives of Native Americans and the U.S. government about the battle.  Then students made a T-Chart with facts about the cause and effect of the battle.  We will finish up the activity tomorrow with a discussion about the details they heard/saw in the videos.

We also read Gathering Blue and students were able to discuss the moods, tones, and themes within the book.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11th

Today was a bit difficult for some students. Last week, when I was attending a conference, I left work for students to complete.  Now that we are going over the work and trying to use it for this week's activities, I see that some students didn't follow directions, produced sloppy work, or simply refused to complete it at all.  

Today, in both groups, students were at different points and I don't believe in slowing down the students who made the effort and followed directions.  Nor do we have the time to waste when we are expected to cover specific standards in each term.  Consequently, some students will have additional homework tonight.  The work that is missing or incomplete needs to be finished and brought to school on Wednesday.  Many students were able to use class time to complete much of the work so there shouldn't be too much left to do.  

We continued learning about the Trail of Tears and students watched a video about New Echota.  They completed another window paining and shared their answer with a partner. Then students used the information they gathered from the three different sources to create an outline.  Later this week they'll use the outline to construct a written response. 

Students also worked on analyzing character in Gathering Blue.  Students completed the character organizer last week compared evidence and completed peer reviews of each other's written responses.  Students who didn't do the work from last week worked on their organizers individually. 

We concluded our day with reading more in Gathering Blue.  
Lastly, three students were able to answer yesterday's secret question.  Hopefully the next time I post a question more students will be able to answer so I can give out more treats!

Happy Veteran's Day

Thank you to all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10th

Today students reviewed their cause and effect Trail of Tears worksheet that they completed last week.  Then we completed a window paining exercise.  Students watched the Trail of Tears BrainPop video and drew pictures of what they saw and heard.  Then on the second viewing, students added word descriptions to their drawings.  Then they shared their drawing and notes with a partner.  During the last part of the activity, students selected the three most important facts about the Trail of Tears with their partners.

We concluded our ELA time with reading Gathering Blue.  Students used evidence from the book to analyze the conflicting words of one of the supporting characters.
Literary Cafe Update from Robin Pilfer, 2014 Literary Cafe' Chair & Susie Spear Purcell, Coach & Opening Celebration Director 
Literary Café is less than two weeks away! We are working hard to make this a truly special evening for our children with the theme of a "Parisian Literary Café" on stage and at the reception. We want each child to have his or her moment to shine and then to celebrate afterward, but we need your help! 

In order to serve our families, the Café needs 2-3 parents from each class to donate a dessert (homemade or store-bought), as well a few people to assist in the Café each night. Classrooms are no longer allowed to serve food, so we will all celebrate and enjoy our desserts in the Café. Please sign up here to help:

Secret Question Instructions:  I provide the blog as a way to communicate what's going on in class.  Unfortunately, some parents and students are neglecting to check it.  To encourage people to keep up with what's going on, every once in awhile I'll include a secret question.  Students should find the answer and tell me discretely the very next day in the morning.  Students who are able to do this will get a small treat.

Secret Question
What did Chief Kicking Bird of the Kiowas say that the buffalo was like?  
(Hint:  the answer is in the homework reading.)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sign up for REMIND

I'm learning about a multitude of programs, apps, and strategies to enhance the learning experience within my classroom.  One thing I would like to immediately implement is REMIND.

It's a communication tool that I will use to send quick messages via text or email about upcoming due dates and class events.  Please click on the logo below to be added to the list.  I will probably send my first message next week.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Week of November 3rd

I hope all students had an excellent day off yesterday.  On Monday we started our new Unit of Inquiry:  Where we are in place and time.  Our central idea is:  Migration and innovation are key factors in shaping our world.  It's an exciting unit since we cover the different types of migration and various innovations that changed the world.  Additionally, we will examine various historical content through the lenses of causation, form, and reflection.  

On Monday students examined several pictures to try and determine what type of migration was taking place.  For this unit, we will be focusing on the the following four types of migration:  escape, opportunity, forced, and seasonal.  

For the rest of the week I will be attending the GaETC (Georgia Educational Technology Conference) with Mrs. Eber.  We hope to come back with some engaging and effective strategies to enhance classroom instruction for myself and the rest of the staff.

Students will be completing an ELA/SS work packet over the next three days.  The work they do in the packet will help set up the Social Studies activities and writing lessons I have planned for next week.  

On Mondays we dismiss from the Art room.  Some students always stay after to help Mrs. Dunbar clean up.  They are principled!