Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Back to School Supplies - UPDATED!

It's that time of the year again and I'm looking forward to meeting my new students.  It is essential that students have their composition notebooks on the first day of school.  Students will need one for each of the following subjects:  Math, Science, Social Studies, ELA and Spanish.  Students can write their names on their notebooks and hold onto their binders, folders, and dividers.  The other supplies; however, shouldn't be labeled since we share them.  The other items can be brought in during the first week.

5th Grade School Supply List
3 packs pre-sharpened  #2 pencils
1 small handheld pencil sharpener
1 pack of Expo markers
2 packs wide ruled notebook paper
5 composition notebooks
1 two inch binder
1 pack of 5 dividers with pocket
3 folders (3 pronged with pocket)
1 pack of colored sharpies
3 packs of post-it notes
2 packs of Lysol/Clorox wipes
1 roll of paper towels (Black's homeroom only)
1 pack of facial tissues (McFaddin's homeroom only)
Earbuds/headphones - labeled in a Ziploc bag w/ child's name
stylus for iPad (optional)

FYI -- Tissue, wipes and paper towel rolls will be requested again when/if we run out.

TO KEEP AT HOME: You will need to have the following items available for use at home - pencils, colored pencils/markers, ruler, and paper.

SUPPLIES FOR MUSIC:  New students to CSD bring $5 for a recorder (also applies to students who lost the recorder they were issued last year).