Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30th

Students took their Reconstruction assessment today and continued working on their informational papers.  About half of the students in each class presented their Reconstruction slides and I was very pleased with the the effort many students put into their work.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29th

Students continued working on their informational papers and they started  their Reconstruction presentations.  Tomorrow students will take the Reconstruction assessment and continue working on their presentations.

I passed back the Civil War assessments this afternoon and I want parents to review, sign, and return them tomorrow.  Students who earned 1s and 2s will be allowed to retake it on Friday so they review the correct information.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th

Today students continued working on their informational papers and they completed a reference frame about Jim Crow.  Students first discussed prior knowledge they had about the topic and then read an attached document.  Then they connected the text to our central idea, identified which concept lens it was aligned to, and then selected up to five facts to include on their worksheets.  I'm quite pleased that most students are stepping up to the challenge of analyzing a document with multiple objectives to accomplish.

I also passed out the Reconstruction study guide.  It looks a little different because I accidentally copied the wrong quiz on the back.  Students were open-minded though and they just stapled the correct copy to the back of the paper.  As a reminder, the Reconstruction assessment is on Thursday.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27th

After we corrected our daily grammar, I gave students a resource that has lists of various transition words and phrases.  Then students continued working on their informational papers.  A parent from each homeroom came in to help with paper reviews and students worked on finishing their rough drafts.  Students who had already finished their rough drafts conducted peer reviews and worked on making revisions.

After we worked on their informational papers, we read Gathering Blue.

Homework:  Students should continue working on their informational papers if they have not completed their rough drafts yet.  In order to meet the Friday due date, students should have their rough drafts completed by Tuesday.   If they are done with the drafts by Tuesday, they can do their peer review and revisions in class on Wednesday and then write their final draft in class on Thursday. 

Students should also study for the Reconstruction test.  The quizlet is available and I'll be passing out a study guide tomorrow.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24th

We had a productive day today.  Students worked on their informational papers, took the vocabulary quiz, and added onto their sharecropping notes.  
On Monday students are going to continue working on their informational papers and I wanted to invite parents again to help.  Two parents came during my homeroom's writing time and that was extremely helpful.  I didn't have any parents from Ms. McFaddin's homeroom, and I was only able to conference with four students. 

It would be helpful to have two parents come during the 8:15am-9:00am time slot and one parent come during the 9:45am-10:30am time slot.  Please email me if you can help.

Homework:  I will not be giving homework during the week next week since I want students to use that time to work on their informational papers.  I also advised some students to work on their papers over the weekend.  I'm aware that many have weekday activities so getting some of the work done over the weekend would be wise.

My former student, Will, stopped by and answered some questions as part of his 8th grade experience.  One asked if the teachers at Renfroe were as mean as me.  Will just smiled... : )

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Parent Volunteers - Friday, October 24th

A few days ago I asked for parent volunteers to come help with paper reviews on Friday, October 24th.  I have two parent volunteers for my homeroom; however, I could still use one or two parents for the time I'm with Ms. McFaddin's homeroom at 8:15am-9:30am.

Please email me and let me know if you can come help during that time.  Also, if you did email me and I overlooked it, please just forward your email to me. 


Spanish Assessment Announcement for Sra. Speed's students

Dear Falcon Families,

The 4/5 Academy assesses Speaking and Listening skills in Spanish during Term 2.  Our summative assessments will occur during the week of October 27th.  In order to practice the vocabulary to be covered on the tests your child should use our homework website, Once inside quizlet please search using the following word:

(no capitals, no spaces) 

Our current unit is called, Episodio 8 Mini-Cuento A, B, y C and the assessment will be on Thursday, October 30th.

On the Speaking summative students will tell a story using the current vocabulary according to what they see in a series of cartoons.  On the Listening summative students will match what is being said with another set of cartoons to demonstrate comprehension.

Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo, 

Sra. Speed

Thursday, October 23rd

Students completed a sharecropping simulation today and discussed the sharecropping poverty cycle. We had an interesting conversation about the differences between the sharecropping system and slavery.  Then students read a passage from, Into the Land of Freedom, a book that details the lives of African Americans during Reconstruction.  They used this information, and their experiences during the simulation, to create a thought map about the experiences of sharecroppers.

Then students worked on their informational papers and we a few more pages in Gathering Blue.

Tomorrow is the day that parent volunteers are coming in to help with paper reviews.  Some students have rough drafts ready; however, some students are still in the research phase.  So tomorrow will be a check in day for all students to share their progress with me, Ms. Ehmer, or a parent volunteer.  

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Midweek Update

Today we read and discussed three different texts to explore the purpose of the Freedman's Bureau.  Students wrote text-based notes on a T-chart and included information about the results of the Freedman's Bureau's actions.  Then, the wrote an answer to the following reflection question:  What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?  Explain why it was, or was not successful.

Then students continued their research for their informational papers.  Some students are using their time wisely and compiling several pages of notes.  Others have even moved on to the drafting phase.  Others, however, are not using their time wisely and have been advised to start working at home on research.  Tomorrow, Ms. Ehmer is going to pull a small group of students who I feel need extra guidance with their note taking.

On Thursday, students will complete a Sharecropping simulation, continue working on their informational papers, and complete a character analysis from Gathering Blue.

Yesterday's Outline Notes

Freedman's Bureau Notes

Research/Writing Time

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21st

After our daily grammar, students took notes on how to construct a basic outline for writing and note-taking.  We then used the outline format to take notes on the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.  Additionally, instead of me giving the information, students had to look through the textbook, discuss what they found with their table group, and then shared what they thought we should include within our notes.

We concluded our ELA/SS time with researching for the informational papers and reading a few pages in Gathering Blue.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20th

We went to the Atlanta History Center today; it was fun and educational.  Students went through a simulation so they could understand some of the trials and tribulations of being a Civil War soldier.  Then they examined some of the economic aspects of the war in a new wing of the museum.  The last stop was at a one-woman play.   In a conversational tone, the actress discussed slavery and the Emancipation Proclamation from the perspective of a southern enslaver.  She found the letters of Bitsy, an enslaved African American woman, and she didn't know if she should tell her husband.  The students voted unanimously that she shouldn't and after the play, our tour guide lead a discussion about the ideas and perspectives of different groups of people.
Homework:  Students have math homework from Ms. McFaddin and double homework from me.  The vocabulary words are available on the quizlet site.

On Friday, I left an assignment with specific instructions when I was in UOI planning.  Students were supposed to complete the Reconstruction preview in class, and they had plenty of time to do so.  However, when I checked over the work, much of it was sloppy and/or incomplete.  Therefore, it is now homework.  

Students who did it correctly won't have any additional work and some students might only have a few things to edit.  Both tasks are due on Thursday and I'm grading one of the short answer questions for the Reconstruction standard.  

Thursday, October 16, 2014


On Thursday, after we completed our daily grammar, students brainstormed ways they can do their own problem solving when working on assignments and conducting research.  During the research time yesterday, many students asked me how to spell words or gave up after quickly flipping through a book and declaring, "I can't find anything."  

In the 5th grade, students are required to independently complete research projects.  I provide lessons on how to take notes, expose them to a variety of sources, and create organizers for writing.  It is my goal that students work towards increasing their academic independence and problem-solving skills.

On Friday, students will take their Civil War assessments and read a handout about Reconstruction.  They'll use the remaining time to continue their research.  

As a reminder, the Atlanta History Center field trip is on Monday.  Students who did not sign up to get a sack lunch will need to bring their lunch from home.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Midweek Update

Between now and the end of the term students will be working on their informational papers.  I went over the rubric and students began researching today.  We will focus on researching for the rest of the week.  

During social studies this week we are focusing on our lines of inquiry:  perspective, change, and causation.  Yesterday we read about the Emancipation Proclamation.  During the reading, students discussed and took notes about Lincoln's perspective when he wrote and issued the document. We then talked about what changed in the country as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Today we read a passage entitled, The Soldiers, and students identified the different perspectives of Civil War soldiers.  After that discussion, we took notes on how warfare changed as a result of the Civil War.  

Tomorrow we will read about President Lincoln's assassination and the perspectives of people as they transitioned to life after the Civil War.  We will use the text to add to notes we already have about the end of the war and we will use our discussion to transition to the next history standard that deals with Reconstruction.

As a reminder, homework is due tomorrow and the Civil War assessment is on Friday.  Also, I will need parent volunteers next Friday (October 24th) to assist with paper reviews.  I'll need volunteers from 8:15am-9:00am during Ms. McFaddin's ELA time, and at 10:45am-11:30am I'll need volunteers for my homeroom's ELA time.  The reviews are expected to be quick - circle obvious spelling errors, point out incorrect facts, and ask questions about unorganized information (if any).  If I have 2-3 parents per session that would be excellent.  Please email me if you are interested.

Tuesday's indoor recess - after the jumping jacks, running-in-place, and jazz hands rotations, we played games.  Shout-out to the parents of my first 5th grade class who donated all of the games to my class!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13th

Today we began this term's writing cycle.  I gave students time to generate Civil War topics and then they narrowed their ideas down to four.  Students then wrote what they knew, and what they wanted to know, about their remaining topics.  Then they talked with a peer to share ideas.  Then students selected a final topic.  During the last phase of this activity, the students wrote research questions for their topics.  We briefly discussed how to write quality questions and then they worked with a partner to categorize their questions on a 1-4 scale.  Tomorrow I will show the students a way to format their research notes.

Homework:  Students have a reading assignment this week and it's due on Thursday.  We completed one fact together and I told students to bring their homework on Tuesday so I can answer any questions during study hall.

There will be a Civil War assessment on Friday.  Students should use the quizlet to study.  On Tuesday, I'll provide paper copies to students who request a study guide.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wednesday, October 8th & Thursday, October 9th

On Wednesday we reviewed our vocabulary words after we corrected the daily grammar worksheet.  Then students worked on finishing their Civil War leaders notes.  Those who finished early worked on the level 4 option.  They used additional sources to find more perspectives about other notable Civil War era people.
Then we worked on understanding challenging texts by reading and analyzing the Gettysburg Address.  I informed the students that they can use resources and group discussions to figure out key words and main ideas.   

Today students shared some of their sentences from the homework and they worked with a partner to discuss their Clara Barton organizers.  We determined which facts were the most important and we added those details to our notes.  Then we read another document about Clara Barton from the Red Cross website.  Students worked with partners to read the text and identify new details about her.  After students took notes, they answered three questions about Clara Barton's perspective and the results of her actions.

After that, we watched the Civil War BrainPop video and began to take notes about the results of the war.  Tomorrow we will use the social studies textbook to get additional details for our notes.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Monday, October 6th - Tuesday, October 7th

We are continuing to use various social studies texts to address the informational reading standards for this term.  Today students used the social studies textbook to find information about the Civil War leaders they're required to learn about in the 5th grade history standards.  I provided an example before they started and at the end of the work period, we discussed what they wrote down for President Lincoln to make sure they were including the essential information.

For grammar this week, we are focusing on the perfect verb tenses.  Understanding perfect verb tenses can be challenging; however, I think students did well for their first exposure.

Homework:  Students have vocabulary and social studies homework this week and it is due on Thursday.  We will discuss the student's sentences and use the Clara Barton organizer in class to compare/contrast sources about the same individual.

Please continue to talk to your child about his or her reading and sign their agendas each night (Monday-Thursday).  I will be doing another spot check on Thursday or Friday.

To understand the perfect verb tenses, one must understand the time relationship of what is being conveyed in a sentence.