Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 17th

Social Studies/Writing- Students watched a short video and wrote a short, reflective paragraph on what it means to be a good citizen.  Additionally, students sorted through over 2 dozen statements and determined if each was a "right of a U.S. citizen," "responsibility of a U.S. citizen," or "neither."  Some were a little tricky, like "Travel with a U.S. passport" (which is a right).  However, all of them knew (or at least hoped) that "Memorize all state names, capitols, and flags."

Reading - DRA testing & silent reading...(I should be done with DRAs by Friday)

Math - Students finished constructing double-line graphs and began working on circle graphs.  Since circle graphs require converting parts of the whole to percentages we will probably spend a few days on this concept to make sure students are comfortable before they move on.


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