Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday, August 12th

During Writing/Social Studies students completed their weekly reading question.  We also watched a BrainPOP video about the U.S. Constitution and completed an online quiz.  Next week students will have a chance to reflect and write about their rights and responsibilities as citizens.  We continued with graphs during Math.  Students were given a scenario and data and they created their own double-bar graph.  We finished Math by discussing line-graphs (when they are used and for what types of data).

Lunch was great because one of our fabulous parents brought cupcakes for a special brainiac's birthday.  After lunch we had our weekly library visit and during Science we did a lab.  During the lab we took a strawberry, mashed it, combined it with a buffer solution, added alcohol, and then extracted the DNA.  

There's DNA in there!

Lastly, students received their job assignments today.  Thank you to all of the parents who provided references for their children.

-Please bring in your recorder (I only have 2 students left who need to bring them in)
-Curriculum night is on Tuesday -- the communication regarding the event will be sent home on Monday

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