August 4, 2011
Students had another great day today. We continued to review school rules and procedures and students are getting comfortable with how they should behave in class and in the halls. After lunch we completed an IB learner profile activity. We got to see which learner profile each student identified with and students worked together to create posters of each learner profile.
At the beginning of the math lesson, students lined up in birthday order in complete silence. Then we compiled the birthday data in a bar graph and found the mean, median, mode and range of our set of numbers. We will continue to work with various types of graphs so students can learn how to assemble, process, and analyze different sets of data.
During reading students learned about the class jobs and suggested a few of their own ideas. They each must have two references and write why they think they are qualified for their chosen job. Job applications are due on Monday and I will be contacting the references early next week so I can make my decision.
-Read for 30 minutes
-Complete Job Application (due Monday)
-Please continue to send in school supplies
-Please sign the school forms and send they with your child
Not yet; another parent inquired though so I think it is taken care of. Thanks!