Friday, December 11, 2015

Weekend Update

Today we worked on answering one of the upcoming assessment questions.  Students finished watching the informational videos and collaborated on how they should answer the question.  The various possibilities are included below.

Students also wrote in their planners, notebooks, or on their Geography Project papers what they're going to get accomplished this weekend.  The intention of this to help students with the IB Transdisciplinary skill of self-managment and to keep parents informed about what their child needs to accomplish this weekend.  I encouraged students to set realistic and specific goals and reminded them of the project deadline.  Please read what they wrote, and sign it.  I'll be checking for signatures on Monday.  

Some students will be bringing home their Genius Hour projects to work on over the weekend.

The following answers were synthesized in class.  
Use these answers as a starting point and add facts from your notes.
Thomas Edison and the innovation of electricity changed life at the turn of the last century.  Thomas Edison also invented a light bulb that could last 1,000 hours.  It saved money and it decreased the number of house fires.

George Washington Carver’s scientific and agricultural contributions changed life at the turn of the last century.  He invented over 300 products made from peanuts and he encouraged farmers to use the farming method of crop rotation.  Crop rotation helped farmers to put nutrients back into the soil so they could continue to grow healthy plants.

The Wright Brother’s invention, the airplane, changed life at the turn of the last century.  They worked on their airplane to make it safer and they are credited with making the first successful flight.  They used their engineering knowledge to continue improving the structure of planes.  Planes were eventually used to make travel quicker and easier.

Alexander Graham Bell was the innovator who created the telephone and he helped to change people’s lives at the turn of the last century.  People were given the ability to communicate with their voices over long distances.

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