Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12th

On Wednesday I asked students to take home the Turn of the Century rubrics for parent check-in.  Students were supposed to share their progress and get a parent or guardian’s signature.  The signed rubrics were due on Thursday and I gave students who forgot one more day to complete the task. 

Over the weekend, please check in with your child about the progress on his or her project.  Our learning celebration is on Thursday and I want to make sure that students are being accountable and completing the required work.  They still have three in-class working days next week; however, I also have other lessons and assessments planned for those days.

If you need another copy of the rubric you can get a copy from the list on the right.  Lastly, if you have any questions about the project and your child is not able to answer them, please contact me.

Thank you and have a great weekend!