Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today students worked on finalizing their Exhibition projects.  Additionally, they practiced in front of the class while the other students provided feedback.  

If you are coming to the lunch tomorrow please bring a large towel, blanket, lawn chair or something else to keep you and your child free of schoolyard dirt and grass clippings.  My class will be called to eat lunch at approximately 11:50am and when you arrive you will receive a schedule of the afternoon's events.

Lastly, I had to deal with several behavioral issues yesterday AND today.  Some children, even after receiving guidance, directions and multiple warnings, kept misbehaving during the Falcon Finale practice.  Some were slouching and kicking the chair in front of them and others were purposefully singing the IB song incorrectly thinking it was funny.   Another child found it impossible to sit through the 20 minute ceremony without sighing and rolling her eyes and some of my boys couldn't stop giggling like 5-year-olds.  The final straw was when several students pushed and shoved each other trying to get off the stage after I clearly called for the first row.  

Please talk to your child about their behavior.  The MAJORITY of my students behaved and followed directions; however, there were about 10 students who continually chose to not follow directions.  As a result, the entire class had to sit in silence for the last 10 minutes of the day because I had had enough.

The last few days of school should be fun... for everyone.  Hopefully the rest of the week will be better.

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