My apologies for the late update. On weeks when report cards are due I get a little behind on everything else. That being said, we have a lot going on during this week before a much needed Thanksgiving break.
Thanksgiving Luncheon: (TOMORROW!) Thursday, November 17th at 11:05am
Thanksgiving Break: November 19-27, 2016
Movie Night: F.AVE Movie Night is coming up soon, Friday, December 2nd from 6:45-9:00 p.m., and the Movie Night committee is excited to announce that a limited number of scholarships are available! If you are interested, please email Kerri Shannon (Movie Night co-chair) at Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process. The scholarship deadline is Friday, November 25th.
In our literature study of we are continuing our work in understanding symbolism, themes, character motivations, and plot elements.
We discussed the symbolism of beasts in other texts and compared/contrasted that to text evidence from Gathering Blue. In analyzing the dysfunction of the community, students decided that the beasts symbolize fear, danger, control and death. To close we contrasted the beasts of Gathering Blue to the lack of beasts in The Giver. They decided that the theme of "control" was the commonality between the two texts.
Students discussed the different types of conflict in literature and found text evidence of each type. For the extension, some reading groups compared and contrasted Kira's conflict in Gathering Blue to Jonas's conflict in The Giver.
Social Studies
Students are exploring various types of migrations along with their economic and cultural impacts. Next week we are going to move beyond internal migration and begin inquiring into immigration from places outside of the United States.
For the past several weeks we have been working on adding and subtracting fractions. Students took the mid-module today and tomorrow we are going to move onto
Students began their summative opinion essays today. In light of recent political events, students are going to research the Electoral College and make an argument for or against it. We discussed the organizer, sources, and the basics about the Electoral College. Their papers are due on Wednesday, December 7th and they will have class time to complete their essays.
This term we are completing several activities about electricity and magnetism. Georgia Power came this week to talk about different types of energy and students were able to see what types of materials were conductors and insulators. In class, students explored how static electricity works.