Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a productive and/or restful break!  The school year is halfway over and we have lots of things to discover and learn!  Here's a little of what I've done over the break...  See you on Thursday!

Organizing At Home

Watching Nadia in "Madeline's Christmas"

Reading my Dad's old Time magazines
Camp David Peace Accord
Ridiculous, retro cigarette ad

Visiting the Tellus Science Museum

"Hanging" out with Tiger

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The past few days....

The last week of the term is typically hectic for me and students so thank you for your understanding about the 2 day lapse in posts.  Here's an update for this week....

ELA - I finished my last comma lesson and students will have an open note assessment tomorrow.  On Thursday, students are taking their vocabulary assessment, the narrative essays are due, and we should finish Gathering Blue.  Next term we will probably do an intensive comparison between The Giver and Gathering Blue before moving on the The Messenger.

Math - Students have an assessment today.  Students who earn 3s and 4s on the assessment will have their regular Compass time and students who earn 1s or 2s will have a review session with Mrs. Washington on Wednesday.  Then those students will be reassessed on Thursday.

Social Studies - Students have their Turn of the Century assessment today and their open note Economics assessment on Wednesday.

F.AVE PTO parents ROCK!  Thanks for all the fabulous food!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13th

ELA - We discussed two more comma rules and read two chapters in Gathering Blue

Math - Students continued to review with Mrs. Washington.

Science - Students had a special science lesson with Ms. Karably.

We had art at a different time today because of the assembly.  Laughing Matters, an improv group, came and did a hilarious performance.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Term 3 Vocabulary

Root Words
“Therm” =  heat, temperature

Science Vocabulary
Bar Magnet                  
Static Electricity                 
Closed Circuit                            
Open Circuit

Social Studies Vocabulary
William McKinley                                         
Panama Canal
Theodore Roosevelt                                      
Wright Brothers
Alexander Graham Bell                                  
Thomas Edison
George Washington Carver                           
Battle of Little Bighorn
Native American Reservations                  
Trail of Tears
Cattle Trail                                             
Spanish-American War


ELA - We finished another chapter in Gathering Blue, learned about another comma rule, and continued work on the narratives.

Math - Students who are taking the adding and subtracting fractions assessment over again had another review lesson with Mrs. Washington and the other group worked on Compass Learning.

Social Studies - We finished watching a film on the Progressive Era and students began working on their final assessment study guides.

Final assessment schedule
Tuesday, December 18th - Math Assessment (model fraction multiplication), Social Studies Assessment
Wednesday, December 19th - Comma Assessment, Open Note Economics Assessment
Thursday, December 20th - Term 3 vocabulary assessment

The math project and narrative story are both due on Thursday, December 20th.  

Please let me know if your child will be missing any days during the last week of school.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winter Announcement

1.  Please send in tissues (or money for tissues).

2.  Some students have been asking me for cough drops.  Please let me know if you DO NOT want your child to be given a cough drop.  Also, I could use another bag of cough drops. : )

3.  Recess: We will go outside as long as it's not raining heavily.  Please make sure your child has warm clothing.

Thursday, December 11th

ELA -- Students wrote down the grammar rule of using commas to separate two independent clauses when they're connected by a coordinating conjunction.  Or, as Mr. Zimbardo calls it, "put a comma before your 'but.'"  They also completed a worksheet to practice that rule.  We also read Gathering Blue and we are going to try to finish it before winter break.  

Math -- Students who earned a 2 on part or all of last week's math assessment will be reviewing with Mrs. Washington this week and given the assessment again this Friday.  Students who worked with me today learned how to model the multiplication of fractions.

Social Studies -- Students watched a video on the Progressive Era and took notes.  We discussed differences and similarities between worker conditions at the Turn of the Century, during the era of slavery, and now.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10th

ELA - Students completed a comma worksheet (I'll be going over eight comma rules between now and Winter break). We also read and discussed another chapter in Gathering Blue.  Lastly, we read a short story, Eleven, and discussed how the author "showed" and didn't just "tell" throughout the story.  

Math - We reviewed improper fractions and mixed numbers.  Students also received their Fraction Art project.  This is a HOME project and students will not have class time to work on it.  

Social Studies - We watched and took notes on a video about Teddy Roosevelt.

Please return your child’s Tybee forms this week. It is very important we have all the forms before we leave for break. If you are planning to make the payment after the holiday, just note this on the payment form. Please email me if you have any concerns or questions.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, December 7th

Science -- Mr. Schnider (a parent from Mr. Zimbardo's class) taught a lesson about solar energy.

ELA -- Students took their ELA MAP test today.  Next week I'll be analyzing the data and creating strategies/lessons to address any academic gaps.

Math - Students took a math assessment on adding fractions with unlike denominators.   Students who received 2s on part or all of it will receive some extra review work next week. Also, starting next week students will receive a 2-page (front and back) basic skills worksheet.  They will be given out on Monday and they will be due on Thursday.

Mittens says, "Have a great weekend!"

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 6th

ELA - We read Gathering Blue and I worked on reading fluency and comprehension during guided reading.  We concluded Language Arts by practicing citing sources.

Social Studies - Students finished their Native American packets and those who did not finish had complete it at home.

Math - Students worked on Compass and had a fractions mini-lesson with Mrs. Washington.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4th

ELA - We read Gathering Blue and analyzed how the characters in the book treated each other.  Then students wrote short reflections about text a text connection they made.

Math - Students took a 2-question formative assessment and Mrs. Washington and I divided students according to how many problems they got right.  She reviewed fractions with one group, I worked with another group and two other groups worked independently.  

Students also had Spanish, P.E., Music, and MAP testing today.

The last MAP test is this Friday.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3rd

ELA - We read and discussed the Gathering Blue and I introduced their Term 3 Narrative Writing Assessment.  It is due on Wednesday, December 20th and they will have class time to research and write.  We also watched two BrainPOP videos on citing sources and plagiarism.  I informed students that as they progress to middle school, high school, and college they'll be expected to cite their sources and not plagiarize.  I also pointed out that because of the vast amount of internet sources it's become easier for people to plagiarize (regardless of whether it's purposeful or accidental).  Lastly, I told students that it's much easier for teachers to catch students plagiarizing for the same reason.  

Math - I divided students into groups according to how well they did on a quick 3-question formative assessment.  Students who needed extra instruction worked with me (about half of the class) and other students received a workbook assignment and they choose a few problems out of their workbook to model and write a word problem.

Social Studies - Students analyzed the iconic picture below and answered the following questions:

1.Describe the different types of migration occurring in this picture (opportunity, seasonal, forced, escape).
2.Describe WHO is migrating and where they are going.
3.Write your opinion about how these migrations impacted America then and how it shapes who we are now.
Lastly, we worked on our Native American (Trail of Tears) packet.